toukokuuta 15, 2014

Graduation Look: planning

It's been a busy week! As the editor-in-chief of our school's paper, I was listening to a piano concert on Monday and today I did an interview to finish my article. Yesterday I was hunting the graduation dress - and even found it! Today I had to make dinner and do some shopping for my graduation look. So I bought two pairs of false eyelashes (one pair for training) and some make-up. Both of the palettes were needed and I really hope they will do their magic. I'm sorry about the bad photos, I really don't have a good place to shoot.

Now I need shoes. I'm not good at walking with high heels and graduation party definitely isn't the best place to start practising. I'm looking for white shoes with low heels. Something like here:

I do not own these pictures!

Now that I have the dress, I'm starting to feel the enthusiasm! I don't want to show you my dress, but my nail polish will give you a tip ;)

2 kommenttia :

  1. Hyvä että mekko löyty! Mäki löysin pitkän painiskelun jälkeen mekon joka oli vähän erilainen kun olin aatellu mitta silti niin ihana :)!! Nyt ei yo-juhlista puutu kun marimekon nätit servetit :DD
    Mistä muuten noi sun tekoripset on ostettu jos saan udella?

    1. Ihan Seppälästä :) Siel on muutamia erilaisia, ja melkee kaikissa taitaa olla liima mukana :)
